Pages About Siberian Cats


Siberian Cats

Hi my name is Marie, and I am the first breeder of the Siberian Cats in Australia. This blog will give you information and good tips for owning a Siberian.

One of the most popular things about them is that they are hypoallergenic cats which to many allergy sufferers out there is all you need to hear! The personality of the Siberian is that they are highly intelligent, playful, affectionate and loyal pets. many people do describe their character as "dog-like". They are known to be "lap cats"and are most always attached to their owners.

As I mentioned, Siberian Cats have a very dog like temperament and are most affectionate. They will come out to great visitors in the house and are not shy :) They are very intelligent and very quick learners. They also have whats known as a "triple purr" and unlike other breeds have a unique chirping sound they use when they come to greet you!

Siberian Cats are a large and strong cat which can take up to five years to mature. They are noted for being very agile and can leap great distances as their muscles are outstanding and powerful. A general impression of the cat is one of circles and roundness rather than angular as in some of the other breeds. In future posts I will go into even more detail - bye for now!


Are Siberian Cats Hypoallergenic?

Are you allergic to cats?
Is there any help out there for for people who have allergic reactions to cats but still want to own one as a pet? "Allergies" may trace back to the dawn of civilization, but scientific what happens in an allergic reaction and what can be done about it, is very recent.

Are Siberian Cats Hypoallergenic?
With this beautiful breed, that seems to be the question on everyones mind. Fortunately, the answer for most people will be yes, they are :)

Cat Allergies - Fact and Fiction:
It is common misunderstanding that it is the fur of thecats that causes the allergies.... Actually its the proteins that are produced by the animal that cause allergies! Cats produce a protein called Fel-Dh1. This is the protein that causes 85% of the allergies that people allergic to cats suffer from. The Hypoallergenic Siberian Cat produces FAR less Fel-Dh1 than the average cat. Seventy to Ninety percent of the population that has cat allergies will most likely be able to live in a house with a Siberian Cat :)

The average cat produces 63,000 micrograms of Fel-Dh1, it is estimated that the female Siberian produces approximately 200 micrograms of Fel-Dh1 per gram.

The protein is given off when the cat licks or cleans itself and then the dried saliva flakes off, contrary to popular believe it is not the dander of the cat that is the allergy causer. With that said a Siberian Cat also produces much less dander because they have an "oil" based skin. They are much less dry and their skin flakes much less.

There is also some great research done on families that have cats and asthma in the family. Studies show that families with pets, cats & dogs have children that have much less allergies to all things not only animal's then families without pets. There are also studies that show a child with a pet is less likely to be sick and miss school then a child without one.


Should Siberian Cats be kept indoors?

Why Indoors for Cats?
There are many reasons that we (Siberian Cat breeders) encourage new owners to keep your pets as indoor animals only. There are people who will see your beautiful SIBERIAN CATS (it's true) and may just decide that they have to have it themselves. Dogs are a big preditor of these cats and some have even trained the dogs they own to kill cats and think this is great sport!!!

Cats Number One Killer
What is the #1 killer of Siberin Cats you ask? Sadly, its cars... Cars are the number one killer of all cats. For reasons unknow to me, most cats simply do not understand that a car WILL kill them and often they try to outrun the car and get back to the safety of their home, many do not make it. I can tell you from personal experience, being on the other end of a phone call happens so many times to me and is at times hard to cope with.

This is more common than you think...
I find it very sad to hear that some one is so distressed because they have lost their beloved pet. So for these reasons I strongly urge you to think about the type of life you will be giving your new Siberian pet and provided you take some precautions you and your new Siberian will enjoy ma
ny happy years together.