Pages About Siberian Cats


Siberian Cats

Hi my name is Marie, and I am the first breeder of the Siberian Cats in Australia. This blog will give you information and good tips for owning a Siberian.

One of the most popular things about them is that they are hypoallergenic cats which to many allergy sufferers out there is all you need to hear! The personality of the Siberian is that they are highly intelligent, playful, affectionate and loyal pets. many people do describe their character as "dog-like". They are known to be "lap cats"and are most always attached to their owners.

As I mentioned, Siberian Cats have a very dog like temperament and are most affectionate. They will come out to great visitors in the house and are not shy :) They are very intelligent and very quick learners. They also have whats known as a "triple purr" and unlike other breeds have a unique chirping sound they use when they come to greet you!

Siberian Cats are a large and strong cat which can take up to five years to mature. They are noted for being very agile and can leap great distances as their muscles are outstanding and powerful. A general impression of the cat is one of circles and roundness rather than angular as in some of the other breeds. In future posts I will go into even more detail - bye for now!


Sue of Prekrasne Siberians said...

Thanks for visiting my blog too:) I saw your kitten blog too - love your silvers. Hard to go wrong with Siberians.

Siberian Cat Lover said...

oh no worries Sue, thanks for stopping by!